Remove data from Hitachi hard drive permanently

I have two Hitachi brand internal hard drives on my computer system. One is for personal data and other one is to store official work. Actually I may get good bucks if I sell off my system including Hitachi HDDs. I have already formatted both the hard drives but heard these basic processes do not erase data permanently. Is it true? If yes then give your valuable suggestions, so I can sell of my computer system without any fear. Thank you.

Yes, it is totally correct that simple formatting or deleting attempts do not clean data from hard drives. In fact, data exists in the drive only till you apply overwriting new files on it. Well, why to be anxious when Remo Drive Wipe tool has been launched to wipe Hitachi hard drive data within eye blinks.

Magical attributes of Remo Drive Wipe:

Remo Drive Wipe is the supreme and resourceful application that can assists users to wipe away their crucial data from Hitachi hard drives beyond recovery. Software overwrites data many times using cautiously chosen data erasing methods and several international disk sanitization standards. You can employ this amazing tool on different Windows operating system such as Windows 2003, Windows 2008, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 on 32 bit & 64 bit systems. User can make use of the utility in order to wipe out entire hard disk data or just a logical partition based on their requirement.

In addition, besides Hitachi internal hard drive, product is fully competent to remove data from Hitachi’s external hard dries. Also, you can use this app for erasing memory cards, external hard drives, mobile phones, USB drives, etc.

Why to go with Remo Drive Wipe?

Get experienced by comprehensible working of this app:

If you need to remove data from your Hitachi hard drive beyond recovery then start downloading Remo Drive Wipe tool and run it on your computer system. After these basic steps, just make use of user friendly interface to accomplish task. As the first window appears, it displays a list of accessible logical drives. Thus you have to choose Hitachi hard drive from where data requires being wiped-out and click on “Next” tab. A new screen comes into view with nine different sanitization standards, so you need to click on the appropriate one among them and say “Next”. Once you are sure, software starts erasing data. Soon you get a message, which intimate the end of the Wiping task.

Well, it’s time to keep a smile on your face as you got to know how to erase Hitachi Hard Drive data which cannot be get back using any data recovery tool. Now sell off your system without hesitation.

Click here to wipe a partition of your hard drive.

Lastly, have a look on nine different sanitization standards:

1: Fast Zero Overwrite

2: Random Overwrite

3: US Navy, NAVSO P-5239-26_RLL

4: US Department of Defense (DoD 5220.22-M)_DOD Standard 5220.28 STD

5: North Atlantic Treaty Organization_NATO standard

6: Peter Gutmann Secure Deletion

7: German:VSITR-US Department of Defense (DoD 5220.22-M)

8: Gutmann Method

9: US Department of Defense (DOD 5220.22 – M)+ Gutmann Method