
How to Root an Android Phone

4 minutes read

True power of an Android device lies when you use its customization options completely. Most other mobile platforms are closed to third-party modification of system files. Amongst these, Android is open for all sorts of customization related activities through any of the third party apps. This can be achieved greatly by rooting your Android device. For any average or normal user rooting might sound like a scary and tedious process. First, let us see what is rooting:

What is rooting?

Rooting in other terms even referred as jailbreaking or software cracking, is a process of unlocking the operating system, which lets you install any apps including those unapproved by Google, update OS, replace firmware, overclock your device process and so on.  By rooting your Android device you can actually modify all its default settings, graphics and even codes in order to achieve faster performance, better battery life, and more interactive UI. However, here are some of the simple steps to Root your Android devices in an easy way:

Requirements for rooting Android phone

  • Your unrooted Android phone
  • PC with ADB Drivers Installed. If not installed then Download from Here:‎ and set a user defined path to the adb
  • Download su, busybox and Superuser.apk files

Steps to root Android device:

Now once you have your ADB setup ready and have all proper exploit files in place, you can begin the rooting process. However, before running commands put your phone in USB debugging mode:  Go to Settings > Applications > Development > Enable USB debugging and connect it to your computer. Then, open command prompt:

  • In Windows - click on Start, then Run, and type cmd.exe
  • In Linux- open terminal emulator whichever suits you

Once the command prompt is open, enter your platform-tools folder (directory). For this you can use the “cd” or change directory command. Also in case your sdk folder is called “android-sdk” then your command will be:

cd android-sdk_r11-windows/platform-tools.

With this, your shell prompt will be in the platform-tools directory and from here you can run the commands.

NOTE: Be sure to run these commands exactly as they are written. The commands with “$” or “#” has to be run or will run only after the “adb shell” command. Also, you have to download su, busybox and Superuser.apk and place them in the same folder.

First type:

  • adb devices

This will show “device” and some numbers next to it. In case you didn’t get this, then you will have to install your device drivers from the manufacturer. Now type the following commands,

  • adb root
  • adb push su /system/bin
  • adb push busybox /system/bin
  • adb push Superuser.apk /system/app

By using the command adb root you can root access to your device. After you’ve done that you have to change permissions of those files by getting into the device shell, with the following command:

  • adb shell

After this, you will see a "$" sign in the command prompt, which indicates that you are not in ''su'' shell. Then, change permissions to get some limited privileges for the Superuser files:

  • chmod 7655 /system/bin/su
  • chmod 755 /system/bin/busybox
  • chmod 644 /system/app/Superuser.apk
  • chown root:shell /system/bin/su
  • chown root:shell /system/bin/busybox
  • chown root:shell /system/app/Superuser.apk

With this you have successfully rooted your Android device, now just disconnect your tablet/phone and then reboot it. You can now install any app or customize your Android device as you wish.

Tony LandryTony Landry is a Web Content Editor at Remo Software. He loves to write, edit, and manage content for users trying to troubleshoot and fix problems on Windows, Outlook, storage drives, and Cloud storage networks. With an aptitude that transcends writing, Tony is recognized as a Microsoft Outlook, Word, and PowerPoint expert. His comprehensive solutions…